
  • 莉斯尔·阿勒斯 蕾内·斯沃特 肖恩·卡梅伦·迈克尔
  • 120分钟
  • Nine friends, all harboring a dark secret, go camp…Nine friends, all harboring a dark secret, go camping in the woods. After a wild night of partying, they wake up with SUICIDE BOMBS strapped to their chests, all with varying times on their countdown clocks. They decide to work out how to disarm the bombs or find help - until they discover they can take one anothers time by killing each other.详情



    Nine friends, all harboring a dark secret, go camping in the woods. After a wild night of partying, they wake up with SUICIDE BOMBS strapped to their chests, all with varying times on their countdown clocks. They decide to work out how to disarm the bombs or find help - until they discover they can take one anothers time by killing each other.蚂蚁动漫网恐怖片栏目为您提供《人肉炸弹》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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